Conscious Evolution
An Evolutionary Connection Into the Higher Mind
Are you ready to evolve and connect to your soul?
Have you been seeking a way to have your own spiritual experiences and connection to Source?
Have you wondered how you can approach this in a manner that continually expands and evolves as you grow?
Would you like to remove the blocks that keep you stuck?
This class is not about religion; it is about the evolution of our consciousness. This means moving away from separation and victim consciousness to a higher, more unifying vibrational energy. Our focus is on providing spiritual development that expands our love and connection to more evolved ways of showing up in the world. Often, there are messages about how to expand and connect to love, but how exactly does this happen?
Each weekend will feature different types of meditations, hypnotherapy processes, breath therapy, and experiential exercises to guide you on this transformative journey.
Module 1: Understanding the Ego and the Soul
February 1-2, 2025
To begin connecting to your soul, you must first understand the differences between the ego and the soul. This foundational weekend will help you remove blocks that keep you from connecting to your soul.
Topics include:
How to create and prepare for a spiritual journey
Identifying the ego and blind spots that might keep us disconnected
Tracking the ego mind
Connecting to your Soul Connection
The process of breathwork with Pranayama Spiritual Breathing
Module 2: Liberating the Personality for Spiritual Achievement
May 3-4, 2025
Now that you understand how the ego functions and blocks our connection to the soul, you can delve deeper into the personal and spiritual roles of the body, personality, ego mind, and higher self.
Topics include:
Deeper understanding of the ego and personality
Adjusting the attitude of the ego
Higher Mind exercises
Hypnotherapy for clearing the Ego Mind, Body, and Personality
Roles of the Silent Observer
Module 3: Connecting to the Soul
September 13-14, 2025
What exactly are the Soul and Higher Mind? This weekend will expand your understanding of the Personality, Soul, and Higher Mind.
Topics include:
What is a soul?
Characteristics of the soul
Cosmic Soul Healing
Understanding Karma
How the Soul guides the ego through Karma
Clarity and Intention
Module 4: Meditation Retreat
November 8-9, 2025
Meditation is one of the most powerful tools on a spiritual journey. This weekend focuses on journeying beyond the mind to connect with the soul.
Topics include:
The power of silence
Holy Cosmic Breath and how it works
Soul Introspection
Rational Living vs. Spiritual Living
Reasons for Meditating
Join us on this transformative journey of Conscious Evolution and connect deeply with your Higher Mind and Soul.
We look forward to supporting you in this evolutionary process.