Intuitive Transformative Coaching
TranspersonaL Coaching
Transpersonal Coaching is a journey into your strengths and life's purpose. Unlike traditional approaches focused on pathology, this coaching emphasizes potentiality. It helps you transcend ego-based mindsets and behaviors that have inhibited your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth. Through transpersonal hypnotherapy, positive psychology, Jungian psychology, intuition, and guided visualization, transpersonal coaching connects you with your core essence. If you feel something is missing in your life and have an inner knowing that it's time for a change, this coaching is your next step.
Transpersonal Intuitive Coaching
Many clients come to me feeling overwhelmed by the world's energies, often labeled as too sensitive or too serious. This sensitivity is often their gift, but societal pressures can suppress it, causing a loss of direction and self-understanding. Transpersonal Intuitive Coaching helps you create skills and expand your life, reconnecting you with your true self. Each individual has unique strengths, gifts, and talents, which can be reclaimed through this process. Are you ready to embrace your brilliance and overcome whatever is holding you back?
A Transpersonal Life Coach Helps Clients:
Gain clarity and focus about their lives
Define life goals and develop a plan for manifesting those goals
Tap into their full potential
Expand creativity and consciousness
Discover solutions to life's challenges
View life events as opportunities rather than obstacles
Lead a happier, more successful life
Identify and live a greater life purpose
Increase intuition
Remove barriers preventing progress towards goals
Would you like to have any the following and more abundantly?
Meaningful Relationships
Greater Joy
Financial Security
Greater Peace
Improved Health
Enhanced Self-Care
Living a Mindful, Meaningful, and Purposeful Life
Increased Intuition and Creativity
Connecting with Your Potentiality
First session - $200
Each session following is $150
Packages – 3 online sessions – 45 minutes, 1 session in person - $500
How does transpersonal coaching differ from consulting, therapy, sports coaching, a best friend?
Consulting: Consultants may or may not have experience in your field. They propose solutions but leave the implementation to you. In contrast, a transpersonal coach stays with you to integrate changes, new skills, and goals, ensuring they are realized.
Therapy: Transpersonal coaching is not therapy. Coaches don't work on past-based issues or traumas. They focus on the present and future goals. If unresolved past issues arise, you may be referred to a therapist. Coaches help you move forward and achieve personal and professional goals for the life you truly want.
Best Friend: A best friend is valuable, but they may not be objective. Friends often avoid difficult truths to preserve the relationship. A good life coach is honest and objective, willing to risk being fired to help you succeed. Why not have both a best friend and a life coach?